
Saturday, October 29, 2005

Happy Birthday to me!

Yesterday started for me really at 3pm the day before, when midnight ticked over back home - it was my birthday there!! When midnight ticked over here in London I was chatting on MSN to the girls, and then got prezzies as well!! How exciting!

Waking up on in my new jarmies (thanks Jen!!), the sunrise was gorgeous!! The commute to work the usual nightmare, although improved muchly by my new MP3 Player - thanks Charlie!!), but upon arriving at the office our doorman wished me a happy birthday!!

Flowers on my desk when I arrived made the idea of working all day managable. Phone calls during the day from home (always makes me homesick being away for my birthday day), and then, at least, it was beer o'clock!!

Sunset from the train back into town from work was also beautiful -I am taking these natural spectacles as a good sign for the coming year!! I headed into town and met Jenny and Jes for drinks outside in the mild night at Corney & Barrow in Exchange Square. Met up by Nat, and Mark and Mendle, we eventually headed to Brick Lane for dinner.

After wheeling and dealing for our dinner deal with the spruikers, we selected a curry house to eat. Yum. Charles joined us to help with all the free bottles of wine.

Seemed like the longest birthday ever! Had a great day! Thanks for all the birthday wishes. Better get to work now, I have a train to catch this evening, and I have to get out of here on time! How exciting!!

1 comment:

  1. A very belated birthday greeting to you - sounds like you had fun.
