
Saturday, November 26, 2005

It's beginning to look a lot like....

And to feel a lot like a Northern Hemisphere Christmas!!

The weather turned last Thursday, to be noticibly freezing. Frost covered morning, icy wind chilling your face as you walk anywhere. And you hands turning bright red with the cold.

On Sunday night getting home from the airport, I saw the Christmas lights all lit up in Regent's Street, and Oxford Street. It all seems a bit early for me, but that never seems to occur to the big shopping strips!

Regent's Street is strung up with the big street-width blue panels, with cartoon characters. Apparently the same as last year, but impressive and magical nonetheless.

Oxford Street is done up with white chandeliers all the way down the length of the street - very pretty!

(More photos)

The trees are everywhere, the sales, the lights, and even those horrible Christmas carols can be heard now - it must be getting to be that time. A month away, anyway!


  1. Suprisingly, our weather in Sydney has also turned cold. It's currently 15 degrees and it's raining! I think someone should tell Sydney that Summer starts this week.

  2. I cant believe that you actually took photos of christmas decorations, don't tell me your actually going to get into the christmas spirit this year?!

  3. Hell no!!! Just thought I would show the kids at home what it all looks like.
    I think we will be too frozen for the Christmas spirit, however I am sure we will have enough spirit to enjoy the white Christmas potential!!
    (Who is anonymous, bagging me for taking Christmas pics???)

  4. sorry i forgot to say who it was i was to busy bagging you out-andrea
