
Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Paris for the weekend - 'cos we Can Can!

Katie and I caught the Eurostar on Saturday morning, and 3 hours later we were in Paris!! Winging it on the Metro, we checked into our hotel, dumped our bags, and then set out to explore the city.

The iconic Eiffel Tower was our first stop, after having it jump out at us along the skyline on the train. It's brown!!! I didn't know that!! Hee hee. We joined the queue, and awaited to climb the 674 steps to the second level of the tower for the view of Paris.

Stopping for a rest, to take in the view and for some lunch, it got dark while we were hanging around on level one, before we made our way up to level two. From these floors of the Tower, we got a good view of the city, and were able to work out where all the places were to see.

After taking loads of photos, we eventually crossed the Seine at the foot of the Tower, and rode one of the Carousels. Hee hee. We then walked down to see the Ach de Triomphe and then along the very busy Champs-Elysees. More walking lead us past the Louve, and a view of Notre Dame, before our very tired feet got us home for the night!

After copious pastries in our buffet breakfast, we started out yesterday at another look at the Eiffel (we'd had an eyeful of the Eiffel!), before walking to Les Invalides to view the tomb of Napoleon. Over coffee (trying to thaw out!!) we discovered that The Thinker was close by, so we dropped into Musee de Rodin to see the sculpture garden.

A quick visit to see Notre Dame in the daylight, and a wander inside, we then managed to have a quick lunch before getting to Musee de Louvre to allow enough time to see all the highlights.

Da Vinci's Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo, Vermeer's The Lacemaker, and Psyche and Cupid were some of the major works we saw. We kinda rushed around to see all the highlights.

After a quick nap we donned our going out clothes, and headed via the Metro to Montmarte, to see the show at the Moulin Rouge. An extravagent addition to our weekend away - but why not!!?? A bottle of champage came with our table in the theatre, and we got to sit and giggle our way through the show. The dances and the costumes, the nude boob bits and the hot male bodies, the French Can Can, and the little skits and acts in between - our show was called Feerie. Was heaps of fun, and felt quite special!

This morning we were back on the train all the way back to London, and back to work for me this afternoon. Wake up in Paris and be back at work in London by lunchtime! Madness!! Ahhh, Katie and I will always have our fun weekend in Paris! (More photos)

Katie in Paris
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1 comment:

  1. Isn't Paris wonderful? It's so awesome that you can get there by train and I think the usual travel time is 2h 20min! Katie looks a lot like you, Tash!
