
Wednesday, August 30, 2006

NW6 to SW19

After Council Tax dramas hit the fan not too long ago in the MaxiPad, I decided that it was time to give the girls notice and move somewhere cheaper, and closer to work. Last night I completed a large part of the move, and now I am a Sowf London lodger!

Yesterday was my last tube ride from West Hampstead to East Croydon to work, ever! I savoured the sausage roll stop at the yummy, but grumpy pie van at London Bridge. And farewelled my one and a half hour commute to work!

So I have traded the Bakerloo/Jubilee tube line combination, for the Northern/District Lines, and the tram straight to work, in just 30 mintues! I arrived at work this morning, pre-coffee, and awake!! The extra hour and a half sleep in is going to be bliss!

I have moved from a top floor flat with a balcony, to a house in a leafy street, with a backyard. Way more savings, lots more sleep in the mornings, and stressless on the way to work.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to Sowf London! Where all the cool kids live :) About time!
