
Monday, February 18, 2008

First Birthday and the Number 8

I went back to Ballarat for the weekend, and hung out with Katie and Mum on Saturday. Sunday afternoon, though, I headed across to the Eureka Stockade playground park area for the gathering to mark Cooper and Charli's first birthday.

Andrea, who confesses to planning this sort of thing for years and years, had a full spread of people, food and play equipment. I was handed little Cooper upon arrival - so cute! - and eventually sat in the sea of kids and toys with him and some books.

Cake time revealed a Lady Bug and Bumble Bee twin cake, homemade by Andrea (who is not meant to have this much time on her hands - how does she do it!!!?). She says the cake and party theme was because Charli is a lady, and Cooper is such a busy Bee!

Following the big party, I headed home to get Mum before her and I bonded at the pub, watching the footy! A NAB cup match between Hawthorn and Sydney, which the Hawks were lucky enough to win! A rush the to train station for me after the final siren to get the train back to Melbourne.

I made it back to the big city, just in time for the first short film showing for this year's Tropfest at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl. Joining Katie, Jessie and Noodles on their picnic rug, we settled in for the 16 finalists - all this year needing to feature the number 8 in some way.

The eventual winner of the night was Marry Me, a show of a school aged romance - but for the audience, or at least gievn the female dominated laughter during the screening, it was about the lengths in which a girl will go to be noticed by the object of her affection. So cute!

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