
Wednesday, February 13, 2008


This morning I got into town a little earlier that usual, and headed straight for Federation Square to watch a historic parliamentary sitting live from Canberra, being broadcast on the big screen. Was a momentous day, and one I had to feel a part of!

Kevin Rudd, new Prime Minister of Australia, submitted a motion to parliament to acknowledge and apologies to the Stolen Generation, for the treatment of Indigenous people by Australian governments of the past. Am amazing, comprehensive speech, with anecdotal stories of the hardships of one particular family and experience, and the pledge to work together to move forward on health, education and housing for indigenous communities. He talked of working on the 'stain on our nation's soul', and did it so well. I have never been so proud of Australia.

The Opposition Leader then responded, and really, I wish he had of merely stood and acknowledged the motion to parliament. Instead he proceeded to attempt to justify the previous governments of the past's actions, and talk of alcoholism, rape in the communities, and "doing what we thought was best". The large crowd at Fed Square booed him, chanted 'get him off!', and turned their back on him. A show that the Opposition did not truly understand the point of the Sorry.

Nevertheless, an amazing day for Australia. A proud day, and a day of hope and promise that we can all move together as one, at last.

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