
Thursday, May 29, 2008

New Kingston, Blue Mountains and Mobay

Seeing off most of the Flaggers heading off to the next island and the next test, I have taken a few more days to see bits of Jamaica...after coming all this way!

That day I walked through New Kington, taking in the local life, and viewing the backdrop of the Blue Mountains. I stopped for lunch at the Georgian Devon House, before continuing the walk to the Bob Marley Museum. Very interesting look at the man, his music, and all he stood for, and the troubles around. Not sure about his politics, clearly something to read more about!

Sparrow actually organised by Knutsford Express bus across the island, part of his never ending service as part of Flag captain. My bus was at 6am, just at the sun was peeking over the mountains, of which we made our way through and over. Rainforest, green and lush, the mountains were amazing at that hour, even with a rooftop of cloud.

I arrived at my hotel, the Gloustershire Hotel in the 'Hip Strip', checked in with a complimentary rum punch...quite unneeded! I then headed straight arcoss the road to the Doctor's Cave beach, and took in the white sand, blue sea, and blazing sun for much of the day.

Wandering through the strip of stores, and finding Mum another hideous magnet for the fridge, I have soaked in the experience. Have just had dinner at the Jamaican Bobsled Cafe, proceeds of which go to the team. My last chance for Jamaican Jerk Chicken and one last Red Stripe!

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