
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Three Flights And Five Countries Later

An early start for me following the test match, Earl, the Waving the Flag bus driver for Antigua and board member of Antiguan cricket - plus adjudicator of the man of the match award - drove me out to the airport for my day of flying. After checking into my Liat flight, I wandered across the road to take in the lush green sight of the former Antigua cricket ground, and walk through The Sticky Wicket, the West Indies Hall of Fame.

Boarding my two hour flight to Santa Domingo, after one of the best breakfasts I had had for a long time in the Banana cafe in the airport, I started reading Che Guevara's Motorcycle Diaries, which gave me background on the iconic man, and also reinforce a lust for South America travel.

Arriving in the Dominican Republic, and gaining a new stamp in my passport for a three hour stay given my airline change, I chatted to my flirty and cute Customs offical who informed me that I didn't have enough time to go into the city and back. time!

Another flight, and this time to Panana City. Flying into this Central American city after another 2 hour flight on Copa Airlines this time, I took in the view of the spread of buildings from just over the wing. A busy and bustling airport, and just enough time to walk from one end to the other to grab my flight to my destination, Havana, Cuba.

Getting into Havana after another 2 hour flight, it was late and dark. I managed to change money into the Cuban Peso Convertable, and then source a taxi into town. I followed the directions to our casa particular, which are private homes registered as accommodation options, only to find, through much language difficulties, that I wasn't staying there! Luckily the home owner walked me through the streets of Havana to Norma's casa particular, where I was staying.

Eventually I made it across town to meet up with Melissa, Jessica and Heath, who had been waiting for some time at Hotel National, our original meeting place. They had had time to sample many of the hotel's experiences, and were giggly and hot when I got there! A mojito to toast our week ahead, when made it back to Norma's.

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