
Friday, January 02, 2009

Seeing In 2009

So we have seen the back of 2008, and have welcomed in 2009. Such pressure as always to have a great plan for New Year's Eve, I had found an option that met our requirements on a pub crawl not long ago.

First, drinks at our house, with the commencement of the House of Mojito, finally getting into all that duty free rum I bought back from the Carribean. Lizette, Jenny and I had drinks out in the setting sun in our backyard with Leanne, Jules and Greg, before we got a tram into the city.

Detoured for the CBD festivities, it took us much longer to get across to Albert Park than anticipated, but we eventually arrived at Hotel Nest. We met Jo on arrival, and then made our way to the bar, and then the dancefloor.

Many drinks consumed, I remember being at the bar for the impromptu and all important countdown to midnight.

Once my out of practiced system had consumed too much, hitting the wall, I declared my need to go home. And luckily for me, Lizette and Jenny joined me for the long trek home via two trams, and a walk through the busy Melbourne city streets.

2008 has been such a rollercoaster, with great travel, scary lows and high highs. What a year it has been. I am looking forward to a nice stable, predictable 2009...with 2009 Husband Find go for launch! Gee, no pressure!

Has started with a killer hangover though! Happy New Year!

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