
Saturday, May 16, 2009

Samson and Delilah

Nursing a surprising hangover this morning, I following the instructions left on the kitchen bench and made my way to Cinema Nova to meet Jenny, Jules and Mary to see Samson and Delilah.

Having read a review saying that the opening scene was going to change Australian film forever, the confronting, real and frank portrayal of Aboriginal communities, chroming, violence and helplessness left a hollow feeling as we left the cinema.

The story of the isolated existence in a small settlement in the middle of outback Australia, Delilah is carer for her elderly grandmother, Samson lives in the same small community. With minimal dialogue, the story unfolds slowly in front of you, giving you a very real sense of their lives.

Sad, and yet so sweet at times, these two kids become each others support. Moments to make you laugh, but a whole movie to make you think.

As tragedy unfolds, these two kids escape the community, only to find an equalled wretched existence in town. Their lack of purpose, funds, and support finds them in situations of abuse, and further helpless drug use. An all too real look at life out there in neglected Aboriginal Australia. As we sat shell shocked as the credits rolled, the woman in front of us declared 'that's what we've done to them'....

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