
Saturday, September 12, 2009


As work drinks were winding up, Jo, MJ and I pushed our drinking in the lunchroom to the limit, in a long overdue catch up with Joey. We were later on our way to Bank Place, and to our Project bar for the week, Syracuse.

Having heard that perhaps it was more restaurant then Friday night drinks venue, I approached the MD as we entered, and he assured us we were welcome for drinks. He arranged a table for us, and took care of our orders, with very friendly table service.

Melissa, Greg and Nick joined us, as we admired the food being delivered to other tables. The bar, come tapas bar, with it's classy interior, emptied as people finished their meals and drinks, and we soon vacated also.

Jo, MJ and I walked along the brink lane to the Mitre Tavern, to have another couple of quiet ones, being a big beery Friday night!

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