
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Blogging Just For The Challenge

I have absolutely no topic in my head to blog about today! This is the challenge with NaBloPoMo! Needs an idea everyday! And I am fresh out!

This morning I walked around the lake, first time for about a week. And then felt totally wired all day - have to remember that when the alarms goes off each morning and the temptation of snooze and sleep for another hour tries to win!

When I finally get to work, I call a real estate agent who had advertised a new apartment for lease, which I am convinced could be The One! I had been thinking about it all evening. A perfect, almost novelty living place, for my year of rent. I make an appointment to see said apartment, at 12 noon.

In the process, I distract everyone else in the office, who had probably been working solidly for about 3 hours before I drag my arse in. Oops! I always such a distraction!

Then I get an invite via email to an event next week, which is super exciting.

I try to make a few phone calls to make sure one of my Injured Worker's return to work is all set to go smoothly this afternoon. Leave a bunch of messages, confirmed nothing, start to worry. I start someone else's assessment report.

Run next door to get my dose of coffee from Cafe Lekker, where the girls know my order. This is also an attempt to help me settle into work, and stop distracting myself, and everyone around me. Ha!

At 12 I pop out, after telling everyone who would listen about my potential dream apartment. Meet the agent, and she tries to get us in, but no luck. Her key is presumably the wrong one. Conspiracy theories enter my head...maybe she's promised MY place to someone else! Maybe I'll miss out! No! We agree on another time, next week. My potential dream apartment (or shit rental property number 5 on this search) awaits.

I have my aforementioned Injured Worker pop in for the paperwork that says he can go back to work, and what he can do, and how long he can do it for. We chat about how he's feeling about it all, and he's all set. I am a little nervous cos noone has assured me at the other end, but still, this is a big positive step!

I write a bit more of the assessment report. We chat more in the office, telling stories, or laugh about someone's silly phone conversation.

I get some calls, I make some calls. I enter my cases notes, I keep working on the assessment report. I send a report to someone again, which I sent them last week, but they claim they didn't get. I just forward it again, so they can bloody well see that I sent it last week.

I get an email from my Injured Worker's Employer, saying all has gone well today, he's back at work, and things have been all good. Awesome. I remember, in quiet celebration, that I haven't had lunch, and decide to go searching on foot for sushi in Ballarat.

I walk to Central Square, buy weird sushi from the food court, and run into Katie as I am walking back. We plan what's for dinner, and what time I'll make it home home tonight.

I pump out the remainder of the big chunk of the assessment report, now just for the research-y bit...home stretch. I get an email asking about another report I have to do, and set on belting out both before I leave the office tonight.

We all settle in, and get loads of work done. The other two go home from work at respectable times, and I polish off the first report, and then beeline to get the second one done. I email them out, invoice, close a file, make a funding request for my recommendations. Shut down my computer.

I drive down Sturt Street, pick up dinner for Katie and me on the way home, and we eat in front of the tv. Mum comes home, and we bond in front of Aussie drama. We all figure out an over-complicated plan for tomorrow, and Katie proves she is a top sister!

Now, here I am back at Jo's, for the last night, blogging, and listening to a song that tells me 'my boy builds coffins, he makes them all day....' A new, enchanting and lovely musical discovery, sent with love by Jessie in London. Thanks gorgeous!

Good day!

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