
Sunday, November 07, 2010

Top 5: Albums This Year

Again, watching the ARIAs (which has been the worst night of Aussie award TV ever, such awkwardness), makes me evaluate the albums that have been filling my ears for the past 12 months. Last year was very much an all Aussie affair for me, whilst this year is a bit more of a mixed bag.

I continue to stand by my call that Florence & The Machine's Lungs is the last album you will ever need to listen to. So, so incredible. Having discovered her this time last year, it dominates my play counts, with tracks like Drumming Song, My Boy Builds Coffins, and Kiss With A Fist.....and then there are the releases from it, which just blow you away! So amazing live, that I have managed to see her twice this year - cos that's how much I have loved this album!!

Canada's Stars and their The Five Ghosts is another of the best for this year. An introduction of electro-pop since their past releases, the building drama of each track sweeps you along. I Died So I Could Haunt You, along with Changes my favourite tracks.

Charles put me on to Broken Bells by Broken Bells, which is just brilliant. A collaboration between Brian Burton, aka Danger Mouse, and James Mercer, from The Shins. Melodic indie rock - need I say more?

Golden Rule by Powderfinger is one that has grown on me over the year, but the bonus live disc instantly got a high play count on my iPod. The charisma that shines through this live set is buzzing. Makes you feel like you are there, singing along. Then there is the album itself, with the amazing Burn Your anthem as only the 'finger can produce. Sail The Wildest Stretch, Stand Yourself, and then the single All Of The Dreamers are also standouts.

Paul Dempsey's solo release, Everything Is True, is just such a complete album. Have You Fallen Out Of Love?, so lovely. Actually, could list the complete track list, being the songs I love on this one. So good.

And Down The Way by Angus and Julia Stone, who just performed the most nervous rendition of Big Jet Plane I have ever seen....bless them! And won Best Album tonight. This album has the 2 siblings fleshing out each of their individual styles and songwriting, and then playing their pletharo of instruments Tracks like Santa Monica Dream and And The Boys make you want to lay in a field of daisies! So lovely. And then Draw Your Swords and Yellow Brick Road is like warmed chocolate for your ears! Another band I have seen live twice this year, off the back of this release.

Oops, that 6! Maybe a couple of them don't count, cos they weren't technically released in the last 12 months....

Special mention goes to Feist, The Reminder - sorry, where was I when this was released, under a rock??!! This album is so amazing!

Also add to the list of mentions the album length surprise EP release, All Delighted People, by Sufjan Stevens, and then the 2 Aussie gems from Little Red and HKOK, being Midnight Remember and Escapades respectively.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so cynical about Powderfinger's "Let's squeeze as much money out of the punters before we quit" tour. Everytime I see them now on the TV I yell "just quit already!!!".

    From last night's awards I really like Sia and Washington. Of course I don't have the music knowledge that you have and I only buy singles these days and not albums.

    And Angus Stone needs a haircut. He looks like a grizzly bear.
