
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Streaky Bay – Nullarbor Links – Nullarbor

Having heard about the West Coast Whopper through a DVD of Dillo's mates', who had done the Nullarbor roadtrip last Ashes series, we put in an order the night before for the biggest burger in the world to be our breakfast/brunch the next day, as we prepared to head out of Streaky Bay. Getting to the Clearwater Cafe in Streaky Bay, they were just in the last stages of construction of this mammoth meal. Carl originally claimed he could eat 2, but upon seeing the size of the buns alone, the 4 of us ordered 1 between us, and then found a seaside spot to make the eating attempt.

Leaving all but scraps, the 4 of us completed our quarter each, before we climbed back into our Sportswagon to continue on our way.

Getting to Ceduna, we found the Tourist Information to gain details and a playing card to start the Nullarbor Links golf course. Hiring clubs here also, we got to the Ceduna Golf Course, and played the two holes (being 1 and 18 of the actual Course), to start our game. Finding black greens at the course, and fairly green fairways, Belinda and I found out that perhaps golf wasn't our olympic sport - but we'd have loads of fun figuring this out in the next few days!

Finishing the two holes, we returned the clubs, and stopped at the Big Oyster on the way our of town, and back onto the Highway. Two more holes for the Links, at Pedong and Nundroo, some 150kms apart, we then reached the Nullarbor Plain.

Pulling into the Nullarbor Roadhouse for the night, the family room turned out to be one half of what can only be described as a shipping container. We parked, and played a bit of Nullarbor carpark cricket to get the legs working again. Here we met several campervans full of Poms, also making the trip from one test to the other.

With nothing in view all the way around us, we watched the sunset, before we made it to the bar in the Roadhouse, for beers, mingling with the Poms and the locals, Ginger Wine, pool...and what turned into a very big night. Too much fun!

1 comment:

  1. I found the recipe for the whopper online. It says you need "1 X Hamburger bun that is 20 cm in diameter". 20 cm! I'm glad that you decided to share it between the four of you.
