
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Anna Karenina

After driving all day for work on Wednesday, I met Jessie and Jenny for dinner in Melbourne. Discovering that Soul Mama is no longer in business, we settled for Republica for red wine and pizza.

We then braved the cold again, and the traffic build-up due to tram track works, to find the Alliance Francaise de Melbourne, where The Stork Theatre can be found.

We had tickets to see Tolstoy's Anna Karenina, and were soon shown to our seats in one of the small, high-ceiling front rooms. The stage was a platform in front of the window, and was soon lit up from the projector behind us, for the beginning of the play.

The translated and adapted story of Anna, and her chance meeting at a Moscow train station with Count Vronsky...and the pain and isolation following such a love led to. Powerful, full-on performances in this little room, by this little cast. I think the simulated sex scene cleared the rest of our row after interval!

The first in a series of three plays this season, on women who 'ultimately paid the highest price to be the agent of her own destiny'.

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