
Friday, August 12, 2011

Splendour In The Grass: Day 2

Armed with breakfast juice and rum for the morning bus from Maroochydore to Woodford for Splendour In The Grass Day 2, Carl and I were set for a big day to back up the one before. Chatting with several of the lads making the same trip, once we were past security and the gate, we all walked straight into the Mo-Rockin' Wine Bar, to share bottles of wine.

When we finally dragged ourselves away from full strength alcohol (all others served at the festival were mid, boo), and the grassy, chilled hill in this bar, Carl and I headed to the newly christened "Gotye Tent", after the set from the day before that blew us away....for The Jezabels. Carlos claimed I would love them cos they have a female in the band, and whether my music taste is really that gender bias or not, they were awesome. About to release their debut album, and thus another band to keep an eye out for.

I stayed at the "Gotye Tent" after this, for Sparkadia's set, and was so glad I did, even though I will see him in Ballarat next month. AB had the fairly full crowd eating out of his hands, and singing every song, mixing his two albums. Animals and Jealousy, and then the big tracks from his 2011 album, Talking Like I'm Falling Down Stairs, Mary and China had every voice joining in with every word - sounded amazing!

Up next at the same tent was one of the key reasons for my desire for Splendour, being Seeker Lover Keeper. These 3 Aussie talents filled the tent for their harmonies and folk lyrics, being Sarah Blasko, Sally Seltmann and Holly Throsby.

An abridged version of the gig I had seen in Melbourne just the weekend before, including the joke about their SLK banner, their live performance was as emotive and beautiful. Such dreamy tunes, with Even Though I'm A Woman and Rely On Me so powerful. Such amazing talents!

Leaving the tent with the rush at the end of the set, I ventured to the Mix Up tent, for Architecture In Helsinki, another I was very keen to see over these days of music. Another band with a 2011 album to showcase, they also managed to disperse new and older material throughout the set.

The new releases like Escapee and Contact High were huge, as was Heart It Races and Hold Music, but album track I Know Deep Down stood out for me. A cover thrown in for the older among the dancing tent, I've Been Thinking About You, by Londonbeat, was sensational! Although many of the younguns around me didn't know it. Set of the day by the Melbourne group, so great to see them live again, and getting more and more love from the crowds.

After this energetic set, I took some timeout on the hill by the "Gotye Tent", where I managed to hear a little of Gomez and do some crowd watching. Festival folk are so funny!

There wasnt much crowd movement in the changeover of bands here, where Regina Spektor had this area overflowing. Not having been into much of her stuff, she really impressed, and I made my way into the crowd to get near the sound stage to hear her performance better. Just her and her piano on stage, she chatted to the enormous crowd and charmed us all with her sweet voice.

Back to Mix Up for the final band of the night, I caught the last half of Pnau - and was totally impressed! Another band that had a full tent dancing and singing, and just having a great time to their tunes. Embrace was the singalong of their set, and an amazing way to end the day.

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