
Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Lamps in Tiananmen Square

I still can't believe we had the chance to stand in Tienanmen Square, just last year! A vast space of concrete, in front of the Forbidden City, with the hustle of life and crazy traffic rushing all around it.

I could spend hours just going over my photos of my travels, and probably do! This shot was taken on our first night in Beijing, out of a taxi window, and is one of the pics I have that I didn't use when I first blogged about this trip. It seems I am a little enchanted by light fixtures on my travels, as it seems to be a feature of the array of photos I have collected over the years.

I have actually just discovered where I have stored a lot of my photos from my time in the UK, and travels around Europe, so there are bound to be many posts like this in the future.

This picture on the left is what one of the light posts looks like in the smoggy daylight, back in China.

I had actually tried to get a panoramic shot of the square from the City, to take it in and keep forever, but a bus jumped into the middle of the three frame shot, and ruined it. So this vision, like so many amazing moments when you travel, is stored away in my memory for keeps!

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