
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Views Above And Across Hobart

Tasmania has just been listed by Lonely Planet as one of the top regions of the world to visit in 2015. In my visit to the Apple Isle of Australia in the middle of this year, I took the chance to pop down to Hobart to visit 2 of my favourite people in the world - and they showed me these amazing Winter views of their city.

Mount Nelson was the first of the high points. Driving up to the Signal House, we got out into the chilly morning air - so fresh! - and took in the cloud covered valleys below. Further outward, the view included the point where the Derwent River mount meets the sea, off into the horizon.

Next, we made our way up the windy roads to get to Mount Wellington. Here, the morning sun once again gleaned off the waters below, and highlighted the clouds lingering around the river valleys.

Stunning, natural views of Australian landscape. Fresh air, Aussie bush smells and colours. One of the many reasons for Tassie to make such a worldwide travel list!

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