
Wednesday, September 21, 2005

There's a quarter to 7 in the morning??!!

This is the time I am getting up to get to work - can you believe it!!?? Two days down so far for the new job, and despite the early mornings, I have made it so far!

Sunday saw the usual "I don't want to go to work tomorrow", "I have nothing to wear to work tomorrow" funk. The dread of the beginning, and just knowing that the way work goes, you get started, and then suddenly before you realise months have flown by! Ewwww!

The office couldn't be further away from home, being on the other side of London. Which means a bit of a commute. I am leaving the house early, 7.15am this morning (the horror!!), for the 10-15 minute walk to the station. Then I am catching the ThamesLink all the way across town, with hopefully only one change along the way. I am crossing the river to the sunrise display behind Tower Bridge - all very pretty, although a little too early for all that! About an hour and a half after leaving the house, and lots of reading later, I get to the station near the office. It's a 5 minute walk to the office.

Looks like I will be getting loads of exercise! Goodness! And then there is always the stairs up to our apartment! Should be good for me, right??! Although the little growing morning addiction to an almond croissant from Cafe Nero should help to counteract some of that!

The job itself sounds like it's going to be great. Something to sink my teeth into, and actually work hard on. Lots of incentives with the company, and loads of opportunities. There will be lots of travel all over the UK, too, which will keep things interesting.

It's a very young company, full of vibrant, young people from Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, mainly. The phrase "market leader" has been thrown around a lot, and learning about the UK Rehab situation, it sounds like there is much to do!

1 comment:

  1. Coming from someone who asks me if I want to pay to watch a football match at 4am in the morning? At least quarter to 7 is reasonable! Hehe.

    Glad it's all going well with work!

    Mmm...almond croissant.
