
Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Not quite Bloom

Even now and again I get home in time to see the news, and occasionaly there is footage of a movie premier going on in London somewhere - all very glam and exciting. So when Charles got himself a job last week in Leicester Square, I had sent him on a mission on his first day to get the Premier goss. And he came up with the goods - reported back that Elizabethtown would be tonight.

After setting Jenny onto the all important Google research, we discovered that it would be Orlando Bloom! Ohhhhh! How exciting!!

So tonight, we shot out of work to get ourselves down there to the Square for some major perve action.

But, alas. Upon getting down there (which was a bit of an ordeal, cos the Northern line is still cactus), it's wasn't Orlando at all - it was Corpse Bride with Johnny Depp...hmmm, could have been good. JD is alright - right?!

Course, he didn't turn up. Did get very close to director, Tim Burton, pictured here, though. Lots of people were quite excited to see him - am I missing something!??

And the female star of the show, Helena Bonham Carter was there, with the big hair. Course, I didn't know who she was, so all that excitement and blue carpet treatment was a bit wasted on me for this night out. Maybe next time.

So without the satisfying Orlando perve that we had hoped for, Jenny, Nata and I headed for Chiquito for sangria and mexican food. Yum!


  1. Hehe, I don't feel so bad now about the time I waited at the red carpet in Leicester Square and it turned out to be Abba!

  2. You don't know who Helena Bonham Carter is? Or you just didn't recognise her on the night?

  3. Haven't got a clue who she is! I didn't even know she was the one everyone was looking at, til the girls told me! Hee hee!
