
Thursday, November 17, 2005

Cullum and Wales

Monday night, after sending off my final essay for that pesky Masters (fingers crossed it's a pass, and I have no more to do!!), I went along to the Royal Albert Hall with a bunch from work to see Jamie Cullum.

The Royal Albert Hall is just gorgeous, and to be truthful, not knowing young Cullum's music, I went mainly to see the Hall. And was not disappointed - it's so grand and lovely - colosseum-like with it's tiers and red velvet curtains everwhere. Was beautiful.

The performance was amazing too - was quite a good night. Little Jamie Cullum packed that huge venue out, and had the crowd eating out of his palm with his mix of jazz piano, and a bit of pop thrown in. I am sure he has ADHD! His music was very cool and funky.

Yesterday I was off on a train to the North Western tip (top left of that map) of Wales for an assessment for work - far, far away from London! 5 hours up and 5 hours back, it was a long day. I am getting to see a bit of the country side wizz past the train window for this job. Have managed to visit Liverpool and Bristol, and a couple of little country villages as well when I have been out and about for work. I will need to get better with my appointment bookings, though, and start making these big trips fall around a weekend so I can go and visit these places properly!

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