
Monday, August 14, 2006

Farewell Leilah

Last night a group of us gathered for drinks for Leilah's farewell and birthday celebration. We met for happy hour cocktails, and stayed till quite late.

At On Anon, at Piccadilly Circus, we ordered jugs of cocktails to share around and drink to Beate's birthday first. Charlotte and I, and Leilah...then Niny, and Hilary and Tina. The old crew back together, after some changing jobs, holidays, and some of us doing the same same!

Would have been a chance to take some good photos, cos everyone was dressed up and the venue looked cool...but, alas, my camera is broken. Another incident with the digi and a leaking water bottle in my handbag. Stoopid! I think this is the second in about 8 months. Oh dear.

All going well, Miss Leilah will be on the long haul flight home tonight, with no book to read, no change of clothes, not her toothbrush, thanks to the terrorist madness...but we'll see her at home soon!

1 comment:

  1. She can buy books, clothes and toothbrush once inside the terminal. The shops inside are doing really well!!! Unless her flight is via the US then she'll be flying naked :) Hehe. (Almost!)
