
Monday, November 20, 2006

A Host Of Farewells

This week I have had a whole load of farewell catch ups with mates here in London, to say goodbye in UK drinking style.

Wednesday night I met Jess at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, along The Mall near Buckingham Palace, to see Candy. An Aussie film with Heath Ledger and Abbie Cornish, it was an Aussie take on the spiral of herion addition. Hrad going, but very good. Tiny intimate cinema in a grand building. We then tubed across town to meet Andrew and John for a pint at the Marlborough Head. A pub decked out in Addam's Family decor, with the loos through a door cut into bookshelves. It was goodbye to the Wilson's, for now. It's been fun living in the same city as them, even if for just a short time.

Thursday night I met Niny, Hilary, Chantal, and Scott for tapas and sangria in Clapham, where many HCML stories were told. I was reminded of all the crappy desks I have been sat at during my time at work, my black eye, and our many laughs during our pod silliness. The social side of work has been awesome, with a bnch of people in similar life situations as me, and thus, ready and willing for trips and nights out at the drop of a hat! Further drinks at The Fine Line made sure I was feeling a little seedy for my last day of work!

Friday I finalised all the dramas on my cases, and handed them all over - such a relief!

Drinks after work were at All Bar One in Clapham, with a large group from work. Many pints later, and I said goodbyes to Beate and Heather here. Train back to Wimbledon, and the remaining crew of Nathan, Fletcher, Scott, Kylie and Caitlin, headed to Bar Sia. This turned into a rather large evening, in the club downstairs which is a former swimming pool! Very strange!

After a decent hangover yesterday, and a struggle to meet the trying-to-get-up-while-it's-still-light with the darkness coming so early now here in London! I eventually made it over to Putney to meet Laura, Blake and Scott for some medicinal pints, dinner, and more goodbyes.

Now, I am all packed, and my taxi to Heathrow is just 45 minutes away from collecting me...and it's goodbye old London town.

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