
Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Greatest Win Ever

How good was the win yesterday!!?? I am still reeling, just thinking about it! The drama, the Fat Man working his magic, and then Hussey batting like a superstar!! Was so awesome, and amaing to be there at the Adelaide Oval yesterday.

Monday, being Day Four of the Adelaide test, was the day Charles and I didn't have tickets for...but that was solved swiftly by Bumbles, and we were set. Another day in the sun on the hill. The scene was set for a most likely draw.

Yesterday, we had actually contemplated going down to the Barossa for a wine tour instead of the cricket, given the likelihood of a drawn match...lucky for us, that plan was not acted upon! A breakfast at one of the pubs near the YHA also provided a lift to the ground, and we settled in for Day Five on the hill, and for a bumper day of cricket.

Warne was in brilliant form, the beer flowed, the suncreen was slathered on at a continuous rate...and the hope for the English innings to be over just in time for Tea was granted! And it was game on.

The run chase was exciting from the first boundary from Alfie, and the Australian mood, and determination to get the tally of 168, was shown. Punter and Hussey were the men of the hour, clinching the match.

The group was aloft on the hill, with the greatest win bringing the Ashes to a 2-0 lead...and the urn that much closer to coming back to it's rightful home.

Needless to say, a boozy celebration in a pub in Adelaide city ensued, to mark the victory.

Dave, Tom, Belinda and I have amazingly made our first flight of two today, and are recovering in Perth airport on a four hour layover. Tired, and feeling a little seedy, it was all very, very worth it!

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