
Monday, December 25, 2006

Home For Christmas

Merry Christmas!

I have spent my day today home with the family, with two very large and yummy meals. Up for breakfast and the family gift exchange, and then lunch. We popped out to our Aunt and Uncle's for afternoon tea, to catch up with the extended nfamily - with grown boys and a new baby. Dinner at home with the six of us.

It seems many people have been writing to Santa for rain here in Victoria, with rain on and off for most of the last few days, and hail today. It's actually very cold, and we have had the heater on! It may have been the same temperature here as in London after all!

The week leading up to Xmas has been rest and recovery for me. Trivia at The Bended Elbow with Katie and Clarkie, which turned into a large night...

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