
Thursday, February 08, 2007

Kiddies Everywhere!

There seems to be children everywhere here in Ballarat! Catching up with people at home means meeting new additions, or reaquainting with someone who has grown considerably!

Last Thursday I catch up with Mel at Gee Cee's for lunch and coffee. After that, we went to school to pick up Kaiyn...from Grade 2!! Turning 7 at the end of this month, that little one has grown so much! Quite the little man now.

This Thursday, after tracking her down, I managed to have coffee with Jenny and Michelle...and their new addition to the family. When I called them I jokingly asked if they still had just the two children - the answer, no, they had just had another, a month ago! Thursday was Alkira's first day of primary school (another growing very fast!), and so after they could finally tear themselves away from that, we had coffee at Cafe Companis. Little Yuri was just a baby when I last saw him - now he is a cheeky and entertaining toddler! And one month old Dante, just a big bundle of baby!

Yesterday I caught up with Katie, and her two lovely girls. Juliette is almost two now, and such a chatterbox. Tiny Madeline is almost two months old now. Was great to see Katie, who I haven't seen for ages...and who just lives around the corner.

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