
Sunday, February 25, 2007

Tracey the Hen

Last night I went along to the Limerick Hotel, in South Melbourne, for Tracey's Hen's Night. On arrival the party were easy to spot, with the bride to be decked out in veil, flashing bride-to-be sash, and feathers and a pink L plate on her bum!

Meeting loads of Tracey's friend's, Kara then arrived, and the two of us and the Hen caught up on respective lives post high school, and post high school reunion.

Dinner and drinks was the plan, and these kicked off with gusto. Just as our meals ended, the band started...and was it my imagination, or did they seem to play songs that centered around high school times for us!??

Dancing and general mucking about ensued. Was great to catch up with Kara and Tracey, and see Miss Tracey set to embark on that wedding and married life she has always dreamed of, right from high school! Next weekend she'll be a Mrs!!

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