
Thursday, August 09, 2007

Kaiser Chiefs

On Monday, Katie and Mum came down to Melbourne to mark Mum's birthday with dinner...before Katie and I ducked off to Festival Hall. Probably not ranking us highly in the favourite daughter stakes, but the Kaiser Chiefs were playing!

Arrived at the hall, having our bags searched, and finding our spot on the floor after a quick stop at the bar, we readied ourselves for a long stint of standing.

When Kaiser came on, they opened with Everyday I Love You Less And Less, and seemed to build in energy from there. Ruby was huge, as of course my favourite Oh My God. For I Predict A Riot, there was much crowd participation, and even some lead singer crowd surfing - I bet he was sore the next day!

Any band with the lyrics
We are the Angry Mob
We read the papers everyday day
We like who like
We hate who we hate
But we're also easily swayed

and then a reference to "Get a shopping basket wrapped round your head" is going to attract a certain fan was a very laddish crowd. Big tough lads chanting out the chorus of many of the songs like an anthem.

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