
Sunday, November 04, 2007

Bollywood Hen’s and Tim

Taking a long overdue long weekend, I flew to Sydney on Thursday afternoon, to join Leilah for the Hen’s Night at the Bollywood Restaurant in Double Bay. Champagne and a bindi upon arrival, I caught up with Nicole and Hayley, from our London meetings, before the bride to be arrived.

Indian be-coined skirts for all, the group was lead through their paced in Bollywood style dancing, only proving to me how uncoordinated I am! Hip shaking and arms swaying away, before our three course meal, and drinks, to see off one of Leilah’s last nights before marriage.

My much anticipated sleep-in the next day interrupted by deafening thunder and rain, I wandered along the bench and took it easy during the day, before boarding a bus into town to meet Belinda.

After some two hours on the bus, I found Belinda at the Quay, ready for a beer and a gig at The Rocks. Having not fully knowing who was playing at the Markets for the night, upon my arrival and to my delight, Belinda informed me that this night was to be Tim Freedman! So exciting.

A beer out of the rain, before we headed down to The Rocks, and another beer before Mr Tim graced the stage. Such an unexpected treat!

No Aphrodisiac, She’s Moving In, Kate Kelly, God Drinks At The Sandro and Blow Up The Pokies. Fall For You, Gough, Ease Of The Midnight Visit, and the double of White Horses and Keep The Light On for crowd voting for a Labor gig he has coming up.

Thank You and The Curse Stops Here, upon crowd requests. And then Duffy’s Song was the encore song, one of my personal anthems! He was great, as always!

We carried on for the night, through the market, with pub and schooner stops every few stops, with our last being the pub at the top of The Rocks at the foot at the bridge, with the view of the coathanger and bay.

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