
Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Last night, after a few rounds of trivia at the Drunken Poet, Jessie and I jumped on a train to The Corner Hotel. Muscles had his album launch!

Getting carded as I walked in was a shock, and even more surprising given that once inside it was clear that I was certainly, and Jessie would have too, been older than most of the crowd. A bit schoolies feel to the young crowd, with talk around us as we grabbed a few beers and a spot in the crowd, of finished exams and holiday plans.

Muscles opened with Sweaty, just like the album - and it certainly was given the heat of the day, and the packed atmosphere inside.

His big songs got the crowd singing along, to his delight and surprise, with Hey Muscles I Love You, Chocolate Rasberry Lemon and Lime, and of course, Icecream. Any songwriter that has young, big and tough 18 year old lads jumping around belting out
Is gonna save the day

at the top of their lungs is brilliant in my opinion!!

Ending with My Friend Richard, with the lasting lines of ‘what a way to end a night’, the show was such fun! How cool to have seen this young lad from Shepp start out, and now have an album!


  1. How fantastic to be able to see a band start out and then see them as they gain exposure and success! Not sure about the band name though??!...or is that just me :)
