
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Bruges, Nerd and Tiffany

More MIFF adventures had me at the beautiful Forum last night, upstairs in the cinema, to see In Bruges. Had selected this after seeing the preview, and liking the idea of a trip down memory lane with my trip to Bruges a few years ago.

Starring Colin Farrell, and Ralph Fiennes, in a Lock Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels elk, the vision of gorgeous Bruges was amazing - and the constant piss-take of being in Bruges and taking in the sights enhanced the scenery even more. Lots of blood and shooting at the end, but lovely Irish accents, the movie was funny and sad at the same time. Dealing with the consequences of a hit gone wrong, and then the misadventures in Bruges with a girl, a dwarf, and a fired blank. I recommend this when it is out on general release later this year.

Tonight I rushed out of work a little earlier than usual after a crazy day to meet Melissa at the Greater Union for I Think We're Alone Now - a documentary following two people totally obsessed with Tiffany, the '80 pop star. Two people "stalking" and in a lovesick imagined relationship with the singer, the movie was very funny for perhaps the first half....and then the cinema mood changed rapidly as the length of the obsession, and the depth of distress these two people experience as a result of their love of the star hit home.

A powerful portrayal of the responsibility of stardom, and also of the psychological impact of such a fixation. Both characters had disturbing psychosocial backgrounds, and both believed in their relationship and destiny with Tiffany. I didn't even know she was still out there doing gigs! Upon walking out of the film, Melissa decided that perhaps she had better throw out that boarding pass from a shared flight with Buddy Franklin she managed to score upon him leaving his seat! A ha ha ha!

After dinner with Melissa at Chocolate Buddha, I went to ACMI to see Rock N Roll Nerd, about Tim Minchen. After seeing him live last year, and given the doco was about the Melbourne boy making it big, it had sparked my interest in the vast array of movies on offer!

Starting out following Tim's beginnings at the Melbourne Comedy Festival, and taking a big risk in putting his show out there (financially), and then showing his first year at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, and moving through issues such as writing his shows, negotiating contracts and management, and also his family life, the film was an expose on the life of a comedic making a go of it. The up close and personal glimpse into his relationship with his wife Sarah, and the ups and downs of the experience for them in him trying to have his show and his work recognised and liked was frank and revealing.

The film also featured many of his performances, and his hilarious songs - but also his nerves before a performance, and also his reaction to both good and bad reviews...was such an intimate look into his life - and if you didn't adore him already, you certain will after seeing this!

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