
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Cash For Comment

Last night I earnt the easiest money I have made for quite some time! I attended a market research focus group to discuss banking, it's role in my life, and the image and perception of my bank. And was paid, and fed, for my opinion! Nice!

I had signed up to a couple of market research companies, after my sister seemed to get all these crazy gigs where she was paid to taste organge juice - or worse, alcopops! From the sign up I get a couple of emails here and there, but rarely for something that I fit the category for. Last year I did attend a one on one session, related to selecting to go Green on an energy bill....again, easy cash!

So I looked up the address I was provided, after RSVPing, and caught a tram out to St Kilda to join 5 others like me, in a focus group. Very laid back, although I did need to complete a homework task beforehand. We talked about why we all chose our particular bank, and what our perception was of it, and the others, in terms of services and image.

Pizza arrived, and then we got to sample new TV ad ideas, and provide feedback! How easy is this! A couple of funny ad ideas, and some cheesy ones - we as a group weeded them out, and told them how it was!

$150 for an hour and a half of chatting, and looking at idea boards! On reflection, it's interesting that a bank goes to the trouble of paying a company to pay 6 people to comment on ideas and image...I guess we'll see if our feedback is taken seriously, or the cheesy ads make it through to our lounge room viewing!

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