
Thursday, November 06, 2008

NaBloPoMo and WTBAY

This month I have joined up for NaBloPoMo - that's National Blog Posting Month. The challange is to post every day for a month, being November. Tough, but I am keen to see if I can!

Inspired by Jess and Nat in the past couple of years, I am going to make an attempt this year.

I have also joined the Where The Blog Are You? Aussie blogging community.

Will be interesting to see what both these sites do for traffic to my site. I have a tracker, which tells me when, and how, people find Jouljet. It also tells me the searches, like on Google, that has random people landing on a post. Pretty funny sometimes!

Some not so random people Googling themselves - busted! But, for example, todays top listed key search words that have led readers here are:

Anika Moa birthday
pitch invaders at the irish rules at the mcg (!!)
wally the basics (googling himself?? Hi Wally!!)
footy shorts (quite a bit of this going on! what's that about!! Hee hee)

It also tells me where people are from, which is cool to know people from all over happen to stumble over here. The most recent locations are:

Ballarat (Hi Andrea!)
New York (Hi Talia!)
Sofia, Bulgaria

Happy reading!

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