
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Section 8

Last night after a quick drink at the office, a bunch of us walked down Little Bourke into Chinatown, to find Section 8. A countainer, with crates around, in an old carpark, sectioned off with a wire fence - a great little outside bar in the heart of the city.

For Nikki's birthday drinks there was quite a turn out, and we soon filled a couple of levels of crates. Spotting the much loved Havana Club, I ended up buying Mojitos for me and the birthday girl...and had to drink both in the end, shame!

A young, trendy crowd, this little yard was filled with hipster dress code, the heat not deterring any of the gathering. A good selection of beers in bottles, and a full range of spirits, the service is fast and attentive.

As more clear spirits were consumed, the light faded, and the Fletcher's arrived from Sydney. Tim and I ended up joining the birthday dinner at Supper Inn around into another back alleyway of Chinatown.

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