
Friday, May 08, 2009

Psych Supervision Commencement

Yesterday, after years of procrastination since my first attempt, I have met with a new Supervisor to work through starting my Provisional Psychologist process. I have found her through Cairnmillar, and after our first meeting it's all systems go....and I have a lot of work and organising to do!!

Since completing my 4 year Psychology sequence at uni, being my Bachelor and then Honours year, I need to either study more or complete 2 years of supervised practice. This also means that I need to complete and have accepted, a Supervision Plan, with the Psychologists Registration Board of Victoria. This is the hard part. I have had one knocked back, and I have been disheartened by the process. After finally picking it up again last year, I found that my supervisor no longer had capacity.

So now, reaching my longest stint ever at one job, and realising this registration will not only open doors, but will also shore up my professional standing, it's time to tackle it again.

My supervisor has a great and solid background in clinical psychology and teaching, and is picking up more supervisees. She has talked to me about the need for perserverance, and the expected difficulties to get a plan approved. And also the lengths of support she has been providing for this process.

Loads to do. The Plan, the Log Book of all my weekly supervision sessions, and a summary of every psych related things I do.... Recording everything and being organised...not things I am good at!

I feel like I am blogging about it, almost to keep me honest and on it. Scary, starting this massive endeavour again. So much to do!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with it all Tash! I hear it can be a pain in terms of organising...but it's the end goal that counts, huh?
