
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ashes To Ashes

So many sleepless nights, and grumpy, tired days over the last month and a half....only to watch the Aussies let the Poms win the Ashes on English soil again. Devastating!

The first test, back in Cardiff at the beginning of July was tough, with the time difference, and the cold nights at home. Helped enormously by the wonders of the internet, and the fact that most of the girls were online for at least the forst 2 sessions - at times it felt like we were sitting in a row in the outer, with the usual banter. Good times.

With all the anticipation, and discussion about the team make up and dream team collabrations, in the week before, the first session and day was very exciting. Ending in a disappointing draw, with the bitter feelings that the Aussie didn't quite play as agressively as they could have to fashion a win...I mean, North bowling the last over, come on! Gutted!

Feeling like I was working on night shift, although with the madness of work everyday, sleep deprivation was an overriding condition of this time. England wins the test at Lord's, then another draw in Birmingham....

Finally the Aussies win in Leeds - a massive win, in three days and with an innings up our sleeve. And so it all comes down to the 5th at the Oval again. All so very, very reminiscent of 2005!

A disappointing first innings by the Aussies, in a batting line up that rarely fired in this series, we were set an impossible target for our 2nd. All over in 4 days, and the urn belongs to England again til the return series at home.

All that lost sleep, and lost hope....but shows that cricket competition is still alive and well! Our passion has not died, meaning the Aussie cricket fans, with many a blarey eyed person in the city buildings the next day.

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