
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Grand Final House Party

I drove back to Ballarat on Grand Final morning this year, having been invited to Luke and Kym's house party for the big day. With Luke being such a diehard Cat, Katie and I decided to go all out for the Saints, and dressed in Red, White and Black, donned saintly halos, and Katie even painted the team emblem on on cheeks. I fully expected to be turned away at the door!

Joining Kym and Kylie and Patto for beers, we took in the pre-match entertainment beamed into the lounge room from the MCG. Watching the two teams line up for the anthem took me back to last year, but then it was game on, and a cracking game at that!

Very, very close for much of the match, until Geelong took it away in the final quarter. The rest of the house was very pleased with that!

More drinking to be done, random card games, and BBQ feast to be had. I understand the night ended up at Karova for some dancing, before Katie and I froze our bits off in the sub-zero Ballarat weather in the taxi line. Ahhhh, going out in Ballarat - hasn't changed much!

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