
Sunday, November 08, 2009

My World Tour

There is a little competition running at the moment, finalists to be announced in the coming week, that I would give my left leg to win! Alas, I have had a million other things to focus on in the couple of weeks, and thus my entry is not as tended to as some others. But, hey! An awesome idea, and something to watch over the coming year!

The competition is My World Tour, put together by Universal music, and V Australia, and a host of others. Basically the Tour includes around 11 music festivals around the world, from Berlin to Japan, to the US, and of course, Glastonbury. Imagine!

The idea is for two roving bloggers/music reports to go, and report back. An amazing way for someone to get their music journalism career up and kicking! And the opportunity to travel to each of the proposed gigs, all around the world, as Universal's guest, with VIP passes and access to artists for interviews.....would be a year of bliss!

There are some fantastic entries, with a few stand outs for me, given their work on their profile, and also the initiative shown to raise their name into contention. Chantal Bann has a great profile, put so much work into it, and has also generated quite a following on the site and on Facebook. LadyTrumpet has used a Facebook group to generate fans, and a mention goes to Sophiemoog too. Rachmoor has an enviable resume! Sabi, who I have on my Google Reader, blogged about it first, and put me onto it, so gets a mention too!.

This is my profile on the MWT page, and I would love you to pop over and make a comment! I mean, I have been blogging all things music gig-gy for sometime. Comment for me, and at least get me to Homebake as a top 6! Ahhhh, a girl can dream!

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