
Sunday, May 09, 2010

Day for Mothers

Last year, Melissa and I noted the participants all in pink completing the Mother's Day Classic, and talked about doing it this year. This morning, I joined the 1000 other women, kids, and men, dressed in pink, here in Ballarat, for a lap of the lake.

This is the second year the Classic has been held around Lake Wendouree, and with a growing turnout, must raise a decent amount for breast cancer research. Just before the run/walk commencement, a General and Breast Surgeon spoke about local services, early detection importance, and the fact that 1 in 9 of us will have or know someone effected by breast cancer.

A sea of pink runners and walkers then set off, trailing around the track, leaving a band of pink all the way around the Lake. It's just such a shame the Lake is so dry, still. Completing in just under the hour, in line with my usual lake walk, the walk had a great camaraderie and community spirit feel about it this morning.

Catching up with my own Mum, and Melissa and Katrina, we met for High Tea at the Lydiard Wine Bar, which is on this weekend as part of Heritage Weekend, to celebrate Mother's Day. Little morsels of savoury bites arrived, accompanied by tea, and then an array of miniature sweets.

Happy Mother's Day, Mum!

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