
Monday, November 08, 2010

Pretty Cute Prague

Breakfast on our Parisian street for our final French morning, we farewelled Jessie, Health, Rooey and Hemsey, before Belinda, Jess and I grabbed our flight to Prague. We found our mansion-size 3-bed "dorm room" at Little Town Hotel in Malastrona, we had our first Czech beers before wandering up to Charles Bridge.

The rain pulled us back to our side of the river, the Castle side, for dinner of goulash, pork knuckle and duck, before finding a little underground basement bar, in an attempt to mix with the locals.

Taking this stop on our big trip pretty easy, we walked across to the Old Town Square the next day, noted the 'something lame' that happens on the hour at the clocktower, according to our researched tips from Dillo, before finding a free walking tour from the Square. Our Czech guide took us across to Prague Castle, telling us about Czech history from occupation to the Velvet Revolution. Walking through the grounds of the Castle, and taking in the massive St Vito Cathedral, we then stopped in various pubs all the way back down the hill to our neighbourhood.

More drinks in our mansion, before we wandered past the John Lennon Wall, then through to under Charles Bridge and along the river.

Starting a bit earlier the next day, we met another walking tour in Old Town Square, and were taken through New Town, past Wenceslas Square, and the Communist Museum (which we later went back to, and discovered more of the awesome sense of humour of the Czechs!). Jana, our guide, told us of her memories of when she was 10 and the times of lining up for bananas.

Through the cute streets, and gorgeous, gothic and baroque buildings, Jana pointed out the first of our weird art spottings, before taking us through the Jewish Quarter and to the statue of Kafka. Here, we went off for lunch, before heading out to Prague 3 for more art, and more pubs with beer.

Staying across the road from St Nicholas Cathedral, we finally popped in the next morning for the 'bloody brilliant' bling inside (another Dillo quote, and recommendation), before more art hunting around the city. We then caught a tram across town, and got up to Letna Gardens, for the beer gardens and pints overlooking Prague.

*Written from notes dated 31/05/2010

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