
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Nullarbor – Cocklebiddy – Esperance

Completing the Nullarbor Links hole at the back of the roadhouse the next morning, an easy way to walk off a hangover. I am quite sure Belinda and I couldn't have done this with anyone other than the two blokes on our roadtrip, who clearly knew what they were doing out on the course. They would send their ball flying from the tee, and then patiently and encouragingly walk with us alone the fairways as we grubbed our balls all the way up to the green. Course, it was much easier to find ours, just meters every time, rather than the longer search for theirs. Ha! This course is a great idea, to ensure the drive across the country is broken up.

Ducking back after the hole was complete, on the highway from Nullarbor, to the Head of the Bight - that's the Great Australian Bight, we took in the awesome Bunda Cliffs from the viewing platforms. Along the road some several hundred kms later, we found a cliff side spot for lunch, before making it to the Border Villages. Here, alongside the Big Kangaroo, we played another hole of golf, interrupted by a group of emus on the green. No kidding!

Crossing over from South Australia to Western Australia, we stopped at Eucla to check out the Telegraph Station, now engulfed by the sand dunes. The Roadhouse here led us to another golf hole, named after the tale of the Nullarbor Nymph.

Two more golf holes, and the completion of our front Nine of the course, we stopped for the night at the Cocklebiddy roadhouse, for an ordinary feed, and a hotel room that we had probably expected all the way across.

Back on the road the next morning, we covered the 90 mile Longest Straight Stretch of road in Australia, before making it to Norseman and turning left. Our long day of driving ended at Esperance, checking into the Motor Hotel, and then getting stuck into some hard earned beers, and more port for Dillo.

We had talked about having a big Saturday night here, and we certainly attempted it at the 2 main pubs in town. Both having karaoke, we were treated to the locals belting out all sorts of old tunes and unrecognisable tunes! Ha, ha. A great night for us, though.

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