
Monday, February 28, 2011

Double Dublin

Back into Dublin the next day after Belfast, Liz had a few more wedding errands to complete before the big day, and I took the chance to go into town for some shopping and another look at the main city of Ireland.

When we got in from Wicklow, we had a great lunch stop to start the day at Green 19, before wandering into the shopping streets. Liz and I then met with her friend Kerry, and we found a comfy table at the homely feeling Grogan's. Here Steve also met with us after work, and Andrew happened to be in the pub, and joined us for beers and Bulmers.

Now Steve had been given a reading for the wedding, and after first questioning a couple of the words, and then phrases, started creating a new masterpiece. And it turns out that on this day in the pub, he had it there in his coat pocket. He'd had it with him all day at work, and frankly, I don't think he had slept ruminating over it for days. What a funny lad!

The next day, it just happened that Jonesy was in Dublin for work, and so I managed to coordinate to catch up with him. A bus into town, I met him for a pint at Paddy Cullens, near the rugby venue - where else! We got to catch up about the end of the night back in Beijing, and all of the bits of life since. Was great to see him!

Getting back to Greystones on the train, I finally caught up with Claire, as I was staying at Claire and Paddy's new home that night. Kate picked Claire and I up, and we popped over to Katherine's to have a few drinks with Liz, as she prepared for her big day the next day. Many of the girls called in for a pre-wedding drink, as the excitement of the following day built.

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