
Friday, April 22, 2011

The Holidays

At the start of the month, I had just purchased tickets to a couple of gigs at Karova for Maria and I, when I got a call to say she was sick, and perhaps couldn't go. But alas, for some reason she was super keen to go to this gig, and dragged her pneumonia-filled self along. What a trooper music fan!

Given the aforementioned incapacity, however, we decided we would drive, and just aim for the main band. Walking into a packed Karova, we caught the final couple of songs from Gold Fields, an up and coming local band. They were very impressive, and the packed Wednesday night student crowd loved them!

The main band for the night, The Holidays, then arrived on stage, to a rather embarrassingly emptied room. People really were here to see Ballarat's new indie band!

Having loved their EPs material, and seeing them live a couple of years ago, I was keen to have this gig capture my attention, and encourage purchase of their debut album. That wasn't actually the result, as the new album steers a little away from the sounds of their earlier work, with just a handful of track with hints on that pop reggae feel. They played nothing from their EPs. Shame.

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