
Sunday, May 08, 2011

MDC 2011

Kay picked me up from home this morning, very early, as we made our way to the Lake for the Mother's Day Classic. The temperature read 8C when we got in the car, but awesomely, the weather held with a hint of sunshine for the actual event.

Growing in number, the Ballarat event is put together by 4 volunteer local women, and got just under 2000 participants today, in it's third year. It's also the largest community sporting gathering in Ballarat.

Dressed in our pink for Breast Cancer awareness, we met up with birthday girl and mum, Mel, and also Renee, ready for our walk/run. We also got to catch up with Katie, who was manning her Sharp Kids tent, painting kids faces for the day.

After a minute silence to mark the reason behind the day, and then the sporty warm up, the gathered runners and walkers made their way to the starting line, and were off on the lap of the lake. The 4 of us set a steady pace, and ran a couple of sections, including the final finish for the crossing of the line.

Once home and showered, I headed out again to see my Mum, and Katrina, Jessica and Melissa, and Heath and Greg, for our Mother's Day lunch. Mum is loving having all her girls home together at the moment, and we all tucked into a big feed at the Tokyo Grill House.

Happy Mother's Day to mine, and every Mum! And also a Happy Birthday to Mel!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome!! What a great write up!
