
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

30 Day Song Challenge: A Song From Your Childhood

Now, speaking of sisters, this song is a reminder of watching Video Hits of a Saturday morning, or taping rage all night, and then recording off the stereo - and is one of those songs my sisters and I used to love and sing along to...and still to this day, can belt out a few lines together at random.

Stay by Shakesspears Sister

Love the crazy second singer, halfway through the song - always our favorite bit!

This track reminds me of those times when we would come up with dance routines in our always-too-small lounge room, somersaults and stifled handstands, and being told off for getting too close to the speakers, or glass things around us, etc. And then of course, random, intense sing-a-longs during car trips. So fun and silly.