
Monday, October 10, 2011

Angels-Demons, Vienna and Babies

Yesterday was all things babies, art and Melbourne for me, in a great Sunday! Having heard about, and tracking the progress of the AES+F Angels-Demons. Parade, I was very keen to see them in person. They arrived in Melbourne, these 7 Angel-Demon babies, dotted along Swanston Street and on St Kilda Road at the Arts Centre forecourt on Thursday last week.

After grabbing a park, I walked along Swanston from Flinders, avoiding the amazing runners completing the Melbourne Marathon, past the big baby alongside St Paul's Church, then walked up to the City Square and the Town Hall, for the 2 there respectively.

The crawling one is in Federation Square, which I could spot from the road over the runners, before I walked over the Yarra to the front of the Arts Centre, where the final 3 babies are located. So amazing! They will be there till the 22nd of October.

Reaching the Arts Centre, I then went in to catch the last day of the Vienna: Art and Design exhibit at NGV. Here the art pieces and interior and graphic design of Viennese artists of the early 1900s were laid out, to walk the guest through the artistic challenges and innovations.

Consulting Erin later, apparently I missed the erotic section, which I am guessing was an overly crowded area that I just decided to pass over. I really think those audio guides make people forget the notion of other people around them - behaviour in a gallery is just ridiculous!

After taking all this art in, I drove out to Heidelberg, for Bree's Baby Shower. Here I got to catch up with Bree who has just finished work last week, ready for the pending baby arrival.

Erin, Bec and Sam were the others gathered from work, and we also got a chance to see a lot of the ladies we met at Bree and Dam's wedding celebrations, about a year ago.

The sweep for baby's name, sex and weight was taken, as was a guessing game about how big Bree's belly is right now, before the gift unwrapping was completed. So the anticipation builds for this baby arrival, so exciting!


  1. Yep! And the top one has wings! In fact, I they have either wings, a tail, or both....perhaps my posted shot selection hasn't quite highlighted the Angelic or Demonic elements enough!
