
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Market 707

One of my food finds of Toronto has come within my last week here, when my supervisor took me on a little outing for lunch. She took me to Market 707, which is a street of food sellers set up in shipping containers along Dundas Street West.

It is across the road from Toronto Western Hospital, of which Toronto General Hospital has a shuttle that runs every 15 minutes all day - handy!

The row of containers house sellers from such diverse cultural food backgrounds, and ranges from Mexican to Korean, West Indian wares to Japanese and Vegetarian feasts.

The smells along the row make your mouth water, and the mix means that there are hard food decisions to be made!

Foods from all around the world, made right there, by the little businesses that bring this strip to life - a perfect city lunch escape.

The food truck craze is really starting to take off here in Toronto, and this permanent little gathering of a dozen food sellers is way ahead of the game. Good food, local businesses, and good prices will surely have the locals flocking to this place as the word continues to get out about it.

I had the Shrimp Ceviche (that's prawn to us Aussie's!), which was delicious.

Sadly I have run out of time to sample all the treats here, and would have definitely made the journey time and again for the dessert options as well as the different foods on offer if I had known about Market 707 sooner! And I lived so close to it! Ha! Always the way....

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