
Monday, September 10, 2012

By The Horns

Andrea contacted me whilst I was still away, just as Julia Stones solo album launch was released, and she snaffled tickets for us. She picked me up in Ballarat on Thursday night, and we made the drive out to Castlemaine, to make a night of it.

We had dinner and drinks at The Public Inn, and as we marveled at the impressive meal we eventually selected from the menu, we spotted Julia and her band also having dinner at the same place. Castlemaine has some great restaurants, and this visit impressed me again, as it did Julia, who mentioned it during her show!

We arrived and found a spot at the Theatre Royal ready for Tom from The Trouble With Templeton's support set. His blend of folky songs helped mellow the mood in the room, given that most people had battled the cold and rain outside to get there.

Opening with the first track of her new album, Julia Stone then gave us her cover of The National's Bloodbuzz Ohio. I was a little nervous about this cover, having only heard a grab of it, but I was quickly loving it. Such a different feel to the track, with her voice to it.

As she told the room stories of love and love lost, and unrequited love, she spoke of being nervous about being centre stage, but exhibited none of it as she played the flute, the guitar and trumpet at different times during the set.

Alongside her new tracks she gave us a few of her songs from her collaboration with her brother, like For You and a stripped down And The Boys. This Love from her first solo release was a stand out, and is about working so closely with her sibling - so sweet. Julia's spin on Grease's You're The One That I Want was beautiful as always, and the new By The Horns ended the set.

The encore included an amazing version of Dreams by Fleetwood Mac. So impressive!

The most disappointing part of the night, however, was that the back section of the standing area seemed to talk all the way through the music. This is the second time I have been to this lovely venue, and both shows have been tainted by talkers - I mean, go to the pub to catch up people! Such a shame, and a blight on an amazing place to see music.

Julia's show has certainly convinced me to grab her new solo album. Such a talented singer-songwriter, and musician of many tools!


  1. Talkers at my show too! I told two to stfu.
    Loved your review :)

    1. Oh, so annoying! Good for you! I wasn't quite brave enough - was scared the country lads would beat me up! Ha!
