
Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Dinner At 114 Stories Above Toronto

The CN Tower in the skyline of Toronto was one of my favourite features of the city.

Going up the tower was something we had saved for when my little sister came to visit, and in that week we booked to have dinner up in the sky.

60 seconds it takes to be whisked up in the elevator from the ground to the 114th floor where the 360 Restaurant is. With a glass front door and side looking out, we got a view of the Islands getting smaller as we got higher.

Before we were seated, we ducked down a flight of stairs so we could check out the glass floor. Which to be honest, was not as exciting as we had imagined. And the view straight down in the section of the floor chosen to be glassed was pretty dull. Shame.

Once seated at our table by the window overlooking the city as darkness quickly fell, we took in the view properly, before we studied the menu. The dining section of the restaurant is on a lazy-susan type floor, which completes a full circle of the tower in just over an hour, allowing you a full view of Toronto below.

We each chose our combinations from the prix fixe menu for our 3 course dinner, which was expensive but had also included the ride up to this level of the Tower, so we could justify the cost. I had the duck entree, complete with fushia decoration, then the salmon which was delicious, and then the butter tart. I took some photos of our meal, but alas, I am no foodie! The food was very good, and well worth the booking.

Once our plates were empty, and we finished off the bottle of Ontario wine we had selected, we got off the revolving floor and took the stairs down two flights to the outside caged area to take in the city of lights below.

Picking out the landmarks, and having funny discussions about different opinons on our orientation at times, we also got to experience the light show of the Tower up close!

I totally wish I had gone up during a clear day now, to get the view in the sunshine. But I had totally thought seeing Toronto without the Tower in the view, by being in the Tower, would be missing something. But it was actually pretty awesome. Oh well, next time!

Having this bird's eye view of the city I called home for 3.5 months was such a nice finish, as I was able to see all the landmarks that I had managed to visit or take in in different ways during my time here.

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