
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Mali In The City

It's so great to be back in Melbourne at this time, when Spring is just gearing up, and the city is abuzz with footy finals madness! But the other thing happening in town right now is that there are 50 baby elephants crawling around part of the city!

Mali In The City is to mark the 150th birthday of the Melbourne Zoo, and sees 50 versions of the first Asian elephant to be born at the Zoo as part of their breeding program.

Each of the unique designs of the fiberglass versions have been submitted by artists, and will actually be auctioned off in October, with the proceeds going towards the conservation project of Melbourne Zoo towards the prevention of extinction of this amazing animal.

Mali can be found all along Swanston Street, outside of the University of Melbourne, at the Zoo, in Federation Square and along Southbank. But they are also hidden away is a number of places in the CBD.

Wooly Mali, covered in a woolen coat, Rusty Mali, who has been decorated with all manner of metal bits and pieces, and the iconic Melbourne looking mosaic (above and to the right) and tram featured Malis are among my favourites.

Mali is found around the city until Friday this week, so be quick if you want to see her. You can see some more photos of the ones I have here - which is your favourite?


  1. Oh, man. The ones you've got pictures of are FAR more exciting than the ones I've seen (namely, the gold one next to the Old Treasury Building, and the one outside Melbourne Central)... The mosaic one is great!!

    1. The mosaic is definitely my favourite!
      I haven't been to the ones in the Gardens, there is a few in that area....perhaps an outing for this week!
